You can rest easy knowing your property have been properly inspected and your systems are ready when you need it to be
Protecting Lives and Property.
Code requires regular tests and inspections to be conducted on all fire protection systems and equipment. Conducting these test and inspections are critical and will ensure you’re in compliance with NFPA and AHJ code requirements and gives you peace of mind knowing your property is safe and your systems are ready when it comes time.
No matter what type of facility or fire protection system, our trained inspectors will provide a code compliant test and inspection of your systems to ensure proper operation. We are dedicated to providing you, the customer, the best inspection experience in the industry.

For our inspection software and reports we use Building Reports, the most sought after and trusted web-based software for verified scanned inspection reporting.
Building Reports intelligent reporting system is a proven solution that provides accurate, comprehensive data and statistical analysis on every device inspected. Inspection reports can be accessed online 24/7/365.

We provide a wide range of inspection services and they include:
- Fire Alarm Systems
- Biennial Smoke Detector Sensitivity Testing
- Audibility Test
- Smoke Detectors, Heat detectors, pull stations and other initiating devices.
- Wet Pipe, Dry Pipe and Pre-Action Fire Sprinkler Systems
- Fire Pumps and Jockey Pumps
- Back Flow Preventers
- Standpipes
- Fire Hydrants
- 5-Year Sprinkler and Internal Inspection
- Fire Extinguishers
- Fire Hoses
- Kitchen Hood Suppression Systems
- Exit and Emergency Lighting